I called this soap "Green Tea - Spirulina" because of the benefits of Green Tea/Spirulina to the skin. I have added volume of these powders into the oil to produce a unique natural color.

For information about Green Tea and Spirulina. Click here.

I used soap mold slab size 14 x 14 x 2.75, lots of quantity of oils. 
In my first try to create this soap, I used 12 x 3.5 x 2.75 size of mold. 

Here are the oils that I used. 
I am not going to mentioned the name of my oils since each soaper can choose what oils are good for their own soap.




 Here are my additives, lye and water

Lye/Sodium Hydroxide
Fragrance Oil

Mix of Green Tea/Spirulina

Distilled Water


1. Prepare and measure your 6 oils.
2. Measure Sodium Hydroxide and water according to your soap calculator result.
3. Mix all 6 oils into a plastic or stainless container.
4. Once your water is ready, pour lye into the water.
5. Prepare your additive powders, your GREEN TEA and SPIRULINA. Mix and add oil to liquify the powder.
6. Ready your mix oils and start pouring your LYE+WATER into your oils.
7. Keep on mixing until  both lye and oils are mix well together.
8. Prepare to pour your liquify  Green Tea and Spirulina into the oils.
9. Mix well, you will see that your oils turn to  natural dark color.
10. Continue mixing until MEDIUM TRACE then if the trace is according to your desire, pour the soap batter  into a soap mold.
11. Wait for 24 hours till gelled.

Hope you got an idea how to make Green Tea - Spirulina Soap.
Click to watch How to Make Green Tea - Spirulina Soap, step by step.


  1. Can you write which oil you are using for this recipe? Thanks

  2. Quite you are making it homemade..Very interesting.I hope what you've made would be really beneficial and convenient.Thank you very much for sharing it


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