L - Glutathione Soap

Cured and Ready
One of the products made of Glutathione is Soap.  Many people use Glutathione in many ways because of its anti-oxidant benefits.  According to some research, one the side effects of Glutathione use is that it whiten the appearance of skin. And because of this,  Glutathione use become so popular now in the market.

Due to the demand of Glutathione soap in the market, I also made my version of Glutathione soap. I used L-Glutathione Reduce powder that I bought from Vitaminshoppe store to start making GLUTHATHIONE SOAP.

To know more about the use of Glutathione as a soap, click here.

Here is the video.

In Pictures.




  1. This post is very helpful and handy. You've discuss very accommodating thing right here,how to make good soap without all side affects. I've also watched your video it's really kind and supportive.Thanks for sharing


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